hello blogger...

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Hey everyone!

How are you? You may have noticed that Tea In Your Twenties has had a bit of a makeover! I've moved from Worspress back to Blogger! I'd pushed what I could do on wordpress.com to the limit, and I was beginning to feel very frustrated with my old space.

Looking at it no longer inspired me, and it irritated me that for those people not wordpress, that commented never knew that I was replying to them.

I bought this premade template from The Sunday Studios on Etsy, and I feel it reflects me and this blog much better. I searched for ages on pinterest for things which inspired and actually pulled most of my inspiration from home shots, and interior design! I guess because I want this space to be a bit like popping around to your friends house for a cup of tea it makes sense for my blog to look a little bit like everything else in my flat - basically bright and floral. I've also linked up my pinterest 'home' inspiration board on the sidebar, for no real reason but that it looks like, but also hopefully adds to that 'homey' feel! It does bother me a little bit, that one day I might stumble across somebody else with the same template as me, but hey, it's the content that makes a blog unique right? I did have a few sticky days trying to sort my domain out properly, but fingers crossed it's all working fine!

Speaking of content now that summer is coming to an end I'm also intending on getting back to my old posting schedule of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I've had plenty of ideas building up over the past couple of months, but my old space just wasn't inspiring me to get motivated and actually WRITE. Now that everything is shiny and new, I'm dying to get back into the blogging groove! I feel a bit like when you start a brand new notebook!

And finally, it is now much easier for me to add my favourite bloggers to my side bar, it's looking a bit empty over their at the moment, so if you would like to swap buttons with me drop me an email at stephanieclaire@teacuptheatre.com

Anyway, just a short and sweet post from me today, I will be back with some more summer scenes before the end of the week. Let me know what you think of the new design, and if there is anything fancy you think I should add in! I have disqus loaded for commenting now, so you'll be able to see my replies!

Live life & redecorate every now and then x

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