Happy Wednesday everyone! How are you? I'm really really sorry (not sorry) for the weird gif thing of my face! This is what my phone does when I have taken one too many shots at getting the perfect selfie! Ok Google, I get the hint!
However it is KIND of relevant to what I want to talk about today as I am starting a new series all about positive self and body image! It's been a while since I posted anything of this sort, but it is still something I know that I deal with every day, and I'm sure many of you do too.
I find this time of year especially difficult when it comes to keeping my self confidence up. In both my appearance and myself. As the nights draw in, the months get colder, and comfort food becomes top of the agenda, it can be really hard to stay positive and confident. We tend to spend more nights in on the sofa while exercise and socialising come harder to come by. I know I spend more time alone at this time of year, and that can trigger over thinking, and over eating, which in turn leads to more over thinking, not only about how I look but about who I am too. However, after several years, I've now recognised this as a pattern, and thought this year I would do something about it. And the best thing I've found for keeping myself in check is to openly talk about where I am and how I'm feeling, as well as trying to counteract every negative thought with a positive one. Enter the new series 'My favourite thing...'
I find this time of year especially difficult when it comes to keeping my self confidence up. In both my appearance and myself. As the nights draw in, the months get colder, and comfort food becomes top of the agenda, it can be really hard to stay positive and confident. We tend to spend more nights in on the sofa while exercise and socialising come harder to come by. I know I spend more time alone at this time of year, and that can trigger over thinking, and over eating, which in turn leads to more over thinking, not only about how I look but about who I am too. However, after several years, I've now recognised this as a pattern, and thought this year I would do something about it. And the best thing I've found for keeping myself in check is to openly talk about where I am and how I'm feeling, as well as trying to counteract every negative thought with a positive one. Enter the new series 'My favourite thing...'
I've asked some of my best friends and favourite bloggers to take a little time to think positively, send me their favourite photograph of them, and complete the following two statements:
My favourite thing about myself is...
My favourite thing about the way I look is...
It was important to me that we didn't just focus on appearance but on our personality strengths too. I think we often talk about the two separately but for me, if I'm in a downwards spiral thought cycle, it's amazing how quickly I jump from negative thoughts about how I look to negative thoughts about who I am. But as Roald Dahl said 'If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.' So without further ado, here are this weeks sunbeams (yup I said that) and their favourite things...

Lucy from Hey There Dewdrop and my best friend...
Lucy is one of the bravest and most beautiful people I know, and has recently moved back home (and closer to me!) to pursue her dream of event and wedding planning.
Chloe from New Girl in ToonMy favourite thing about who I am is my, quite fierce, protectiveness of the people I love. I am not a confrontational person, but if it comes to protecting someone I care about I become almost fearless.My favourite thing about the way I look is the shape of my eyes, which I have previously struggled with because they are on the small side, but now I appreciate them in all their almond-shape expressiveness.
Chloe is a girl from the south who fell in love with a city in the North and has a pretty amazing personal story about loosing weight, but more importantly finding confidence. She also took part in the bloggers food diary last year, and you can read her post here.
My favourite thing about who I am is my determination to succeed.
My favourite thing about the way I look is my red hair, not many people have it and I love being different.
Alice is an environmental consultant by day and blogs about the little joys in life - food, books, blogs, adventures and getting crafty at home - and her photos of the sea always make me want to escape to the beach.
My favourite thing about who I am is how affectionate I am. If I make friends, I often make friends for life, and I have so many sentimental memories of friends and family, I feel like I often cherish little moments and hold onto them.
My favourite thing about the way I look is my face as it's usually smiling and I've always appreciated the colour of my eyes. When I asked Adam what his favourite bit of me was, I expected something stereotypical, but instead he said my nose?! I've never even considered my nose something to be a contender, until now!
Thank you so much to Lucy, Chloe and Alice for kicking off this series! What are your favourite things? I'm open to absolutely ANYONE getting involved in this, so leave me a comment with your sentences, or email me your favourite things to stephanieclaire@teacuptheatre.com. I'll be posting and hopefully spreading a little positivity every fortnight, and the series will continue as long as I keep hearing from you!
Live life & appreciate yourself inside and out x
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